The Self Care initiative aims to help people take care of themselves and lets you know what’s available to help you look after yourself.
What is Self Care?
This can mean looking after your health, starting in simple ways such as eating plenty of fruit and vegetables or leading an active life.
For people with long term conditions, Self Care is also about managing your long term conditions, so that you can continue to live well. The doctors and nurses who look after you can help you with this.
More information about self care can be found on the following website:
Ask 3 Questions - NHS BNSSG ICB
Practical self care can also include knowing which health services you can access when your GP surgery is open and when it is closed:
For more information Click here
Ask 3 Questions
Ask 3 questions is a campaign to help patients become more involved in their treatment and care.
Working together with your doctor or nurse to decide on the best course of action around consultations and support should help you make more informed decisions about your health and feel in control of your care.
What are the 3 Questions? Click here to find out…